After care instructions 

 ⁃Leave bandage on for no more than 2-3 hours

⁃ Remove bandage

⁃ Wash tattoo with unscented and dye free soap until it is not greasy or slimy feeling, twice a day for 5 days

⁃ Pat dry with clean paper towel, but do not rub the tattoo

⁃ After the first day apply a small amount of unscented and dye free lotion or ointment as needed

-Continue to use the lotion or ointment 1-3 times per day, using only a thin layer

⁃ Do not itch. pick or scratch the tattoo

⁃ Do not submerge tattoo in water(i.e. hot tub. pool, sauna, lake, river) until tattoo is fully healed around 3 week


-Leave bandage on for 2-3 days,

⁃ Remove bandage in shower

⁃ Wash tattoo with unscented and dye free soap until it is not greasy or slimy feeling

⁃ Pat dry with clean paper towel, but do not rub the tattoo

⁃ Apply a small amount of unscented and dye free lotion or ointment as needed

-Continue to use the lotion or ointment 1-3 times per day, using only a thin layer

⁃ Do not itch. pick or scratch the tattoo

⁃ Do not submerge tattoo in water(i.e. hot tub. pool, sauna, lake, river) until tattoo is fully healed around 3 weeks

-If choosing to add another second skin bandage after the initial bandage, follow steps 1 through 4, then add the second bandage, do not have the tattoo covered with second skin bandage for more than 6 days total.